

Science Sales Academy

Business competence for scientific and technical experts

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Customer testimonials about Science Sales Academy

Customer testimonials

We could tell you a lot about the Science Sales Academy, the competent trainer, the good atmosphere in our trainings, workshops and coachings, the high qualit online trainings, the sustainability and the benefits that you and your company will gain from it.

But we'd rather let customers speak.

Customer feedback

"The 2-day seminar was really great. It has helped me in my dealings with people to better perceive, recognize and understand the wishes and drivers of my counterpart. It was a real asset to me. Many Thanks!!"

U. R., MUnich, Germany

Instrument sales manager


"The Science Sales Academy training is very well tailored to salespersons from the research environment and also to the appropriate scientific clientele and customers."

T. F., Munich, Germany

Instrument sales manager

Life Science

"I am an employee of the SES organization in Bonn. In my foreign assignments in Georgia and Serbia, Dr. Auer provided valuable assistance in the preparation as well as in the implementation of the projects. These were the foundations and also the demonstrable success for my clients, who have also developed into sustainable, ongoing projects."

Dr. Herbert Besson



"Due to its easy application, the DiSC model is my daily companion for customers and colleagues. It not only allows me to keep my sales pitch intuitive, but also to adapt it to the communication needs of my customers, thus building a long-lasting bond of trust more quickly."

U. G., Berlin, Germany

Field sales manager


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Even more selected references

Please understand that we can not name contact persons here for data protection reasons. We are happy to provide the appropriate contact on request.

High-Tech Gründerfonds - Bonn


HTGF is THE seed investor for innovative technologies and business models. We are successful in supporting the best founders whose ideas can revolutionize entire industries and improve people’s lives. From the foundation of a start-up to its exit.

Analytik Jena AG - Jena


The big picture becomes clear when examining the smaller connections. Only those who dedicate themselves to details – particles and structures that elude our perception – will come to terms with the complexity of our modern world. We develop efficient solutions to the most pressing analytical issues of our time and support users in all phases of analysis as a capable solution provider.

Biolabproducts GmbH - Bebensee


Das Erfolgsrezept von Biolabproducts ist denkbar einfach: Verlange stets das Beste und gib Dich niemals mit weniger zufrieden! Das macht unser Marke und unsere Beratung einzigartig und weltweit beliebt.

Streif-Haus - Weinsheim


Fairster Fertighaus-Anbieter: STREIF bekommt in diesem Jahr zum siebten Mal in Folge das meiste Lob von seinen Bauherren

SP Training & Consulting


SP Training & Consulting steht seit über 15 Jahren für innovative und erfolgreiche Methoden der Teamentwicklung und Mitarbeiterführung in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Leistungssport!

ibidi - Martinsried


ibidi is a leading supplier for functional cell-based assays and advanced products for cellular microscopy. ibidi is located in Gräfelfing, Germany, close to Munich, and the US headquarters, ibidi USA Inc., is located in Fitchburg, Wisconsin.

Preomics - Martinsried


PreOmics is as a spin-off company from the proteomics research group of pioneer Matthias Mann at the Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry. We at PreOmics develop and provide innovative technologies for mass spectrometry-based proteomics to make your research simply better. Our mission is to provide you with the best possible solutions and at the highest quality to achieve your results faster, easier and in a more robust manner than ever before.

Technomar - München


TECHNOMAR GmbH consistenly focuses on providing services for technology-oriented companies in the capital-goods-industry. We are one of the few with technological know-how and access to the following industrial sectors.

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